Marhaban! Hallo! Hello! Olá =)

Well, first of all, hello to all! By one of these marvelous coincidences that happens always in our lifes Maxie simply founded that I am also learning arabic =) I send her the list of Names bellow and we changed emails, voi lá, I am here now! I had no idea she was learning also and that's why in Brasil we say that "coincidences" are the language of the Angels (they send messages to us all in this way).

Anyway, I am since child fascinated with the arabic language. Greek alfabeth was also my favourite one and I "invented" an alfabeth looking like arabic to write secret messages to my sister and my friends in school. I still have this stuff with me. One day I will scan and show you. But with 10 or 12 I had no chance to learn it indeed and didn't had the idea to learn it really anyway, it was more like enchantment that happens in our teenages, etc.

Now when I already crossed the "Cabo da Boa Esperança" (aha, this one I wont translate!!! LOL) came this idea to indeed learn it. I have learned other languages along my life and thought: "arabic cannot be this hard". You know, I am an optimistic person...

Well, enough with presentations and talking-about-myself! Let's learn on more thing. By now I am focussed with the alfabeth and I am trying to learn it good because I want to read in arabic, this is my scope. Not only talk but read.

Bellow you see the Neshki alfabeth. This is the easiest one that we can learn. The only thing we must take in count are these:
- every "letter" have to be writen in many forms (begin, midle, end, detached)
- vowels aren't most of times writen in arabic, the writing language is based almost only on consonants!
- yes, we can learn how to read and write vowels and, thanks God, they exist =)
- in arabic, we write dow from right to left and also read in this way

These are my websites tips of today:
Fun With Arabic!


Blogger Maxie said...

Hello Pati, what a wonderful post! And great links!
Could you please send me your picture by e-mail? (Somehow hoping that it is bigger on your desktop, so that I can have a closer look ...)

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Nick and i am an english. I am currently a serving police officer in thames valley.

I have been considering learning arabic as where i work there is a large arabic speaking community and i beleive learning this language would become great help to myself.
Would you please advise what would be the best way to learn arabic.

please email me on

8:57 AM  

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