Testing with WRITELY

This is an old text of I do not know how long ago! Pati and Hazem, have a look!

I wrote it on writely.com, the main idea behind was
to find a way for editing the postings together there,
in collaboration, and - after that - for a much easier
posting from there onto this blog. I had invited Hazem
and Pati, but perhaps the invitation mail did not come
to their attention and was deleted with the many spam
we all receive each day ... I thought they were just
not interested.

Nevertheless, I MUST know how this nice writely.com
(which seems to be an excellent thing for online
collaboration) works together with Blogger, because we
had very big problems when using Latin and Arabic
character sets together in one post on Blogger directly.
Here it seems all so easy, and also the preview
looks reasonable. I will post this as a test and delete
later. But before let me play a bit and see, whether
I can link to a sound file from here on writely.com ...

No, it is not supported yet. OK, then let me take one
of the soundfiles Hazem produced ... When on
Blogger, I will link to it. And to see, whether it works,
you have to click the picture. Hazem will speak
the KHAA sound (WAV, 31 kB).

The original post written on writely.com follows
below. When this works, then all our problems writing
Arabic on Blogger are solved! And then really we should
use writely.com more often - for post into
blogs, but also for emails!

I have difficulties to read the tiny Arabic letters -
which is the best size for them? The characters
below seem to make it,
but while this
English text is written in 12 pt, I have 36 pt for
the Arabic signs! Anyway, below is a draft of my
showing our German
characters together with the Arabic characters.

Of course, Pati, you are more advanced than me,
but I feel like a blind
completely lost, I must learn the characters
and their sound now.

Maximised characters (36 pt):

ت ل ط ش
This is my keyboard:


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Elif, Be, Te, The, Dzim, Hha, Kha, Dal, Dzal, Re, Ze, Sin, Shin, Zad, Sad, Tza, Ta, Ain, Tain, Fe, Qaf, Kef, Lam, Mim, Nun, He, Waw tis*a, thamâniya, sab*a, sitta, chamsa, arha*a, thalãtha, ithnân, wâhid, sifr