Thaa and Taa
Taa and Thaa are easy, after the Baa of yesterday. The only difference is the number of the dots and that they are now placed over the sign.
Above is Thaa - sounds like the "th" in English to me, and below is the Taa (our T).
tha ثا bath باث batha باثا bathab باثاب Tabatha تاباثا
Batabatha باتاباثا
As I do not know yet Arabic words, now Hazem helps out:
this is a wonderful way to memorize the alphabitic By saying :
Some words that start with ت are :
تاب (Tap) which means reformed or repent .
Another is :
تثاءب (Tathaep) gaped or yawned , the ء (Hamza) is which we put on Aleph some times but hear its put on the line .
تثبت (Tathabata) , means fixated , or stabilized Also its similar to تثبيت (Tathbeet) which is the process of fixation itself so it means fixation or stabilization .
Ok Now we go to ث :
First word is an adjective and means : ثابت (Thabet) , here the thing is already fixed , so I describe it by being fixed . A lot of words can be formed then , like we say "Thapet Al Loon" which means fixed color.
Another word is ثبات (Thabaat) is the infinitive of ثابت "Thabet" , so all of these words are related, by making some examples of them and noticing the difference we can get the infinitive, past , past particible of them , we just need some training and will notice the difference. Then we will all be able to get our example the past of a word , that you didn't even know or know its meaning .
If only the characters were not so tiny! :-/
(In order to get the Arabic characters a bit more readable on blogger, we have to use also bigger Latin characters here - our apologies! But the good willed reader will kindly understand, I think.)
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